This was such fun to paint. Each little face was a separate portrait with a particular emotional expression. Some children are wild about the show and some not too sure.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Painting people looking at paintings at a museum is fun because you not only do portraits of the people but a mini portrait of the Museum art work. The frame can be a tricky part to paint because of the highlights. They have to be just right on the ornate molding to make it look convincing.
I struggle with profiles so this was a challenge and a lesson for me. I do think I like the way old boy turned out. I'm sure he will solve the mystery he's working on.
I guess I was inspired with Dancing With The Stars to paint a dance theme. Here is this little girl at her first ballet lesson trying to assume her position in front of the mirror while the rest of the class looks on. I predict she will win on that show in 2020.
I love painting cute kids and adorable animals so I paired these two for this painting. I like the fact that she is as big as her "best friend" so they are eye to eye. She with her inocent little girl look and the dog with his blissfully happy look of being adored by her.
I love painting shadows and I started thinking why not make a shadow that reflects what the person is thinking. So here are two people who are thinking of their dancing days and the shadows tell the story. Somehow I wish they could get to know each other and go dancing once again.